What Are G-Shot And G-Spot? Sexual problems are problems that anyone can have. The G-spot is located just at the entrance of the vagina, ahead of the clitoris. This point forms a structure adorned with many nerve cells. For this reason, it is effective in getting sexual pleasure during sexual intercourse. It is possible to get more efficiency and pleasure from sexual intercourse as a result of G-Shot.
What Are G-Shot And G-Spot?
The main purpose of these applications is to achieve orgasm and to eliminate sexual problems if any. It is thought that sexual problems improve depending on the renewal and prominence in the G-spot.
Two parts provide sexual pleasure in a woman’s body. One is the clitoris and the other is the G spot. The growth and increase in feeling in the G point create more sensation in this area. The task of the G spot is to contribute to sexual pleasure. Vaginal orgasm is experienced at higher levels because this area is fertile. When the G-spot is stimulated, the glands here produce secretion. Thanks to these secretions, the intensity, and quality of orgasm increase.
Thus, the woman gets more sexual pleasure. Studies have shown that a significant portion of women applies the G-Shot method. Women who are curious about the experiences of other women are looking for a more enjoyable and liberal sexual life. Local anesthesia is applied during this procedure at the G spot. Thanks to this anesthesia, no pain is felt. The patient does not have to be hungry before the procedure. Immediately after this procedure, the woman can continue her normal life. She can do daily chores and have sexual intercourse on the same day. You can contact us to have details about the operations.
What Are The Processes Of P-Shot?
The G-shot process is also called the G-spot augmentation process. This application is done in clinics in line with the preferences of women. The operation is performed easily without feeling any pain in the examination place. Fillers used in face and lip aesthetics are also used in this process. In the past, collagen was used in this operation. Hyaluronic acid, which acts longer, can be used today. With oil injection, the G-spot is enlarged sufficiently and the process is performed.
There is a wide variety of materials on the market for G-spot filling. Long-lasting hyaluronic acid fillers called Juvederm are the more preferred material. Patients do not suffer after the procedures. Return to normal life is provided immediately.
The augmentation process takes less time than other processes
This procedure, which takes 15 minutes, is performed under local anesthesia. The injection is a process that takes less than 1 minute. However, the long process is the selection of the area to be injected. In this way, the most correct area is found and the injection is performed.
Women have a unique and different anatomical structure. The vagina is a sexual organ with unique features. The G-Spot may not be at the same point for every woman. The location of the G-Spot is determined as an estimate. Then, injection is made to this area with the G-Shot process. Filling material and adipose tissue constitute the content of this injection. The main purpose is to improve the genital area by giving this mixture to the woman.
After treatments, women can continue their regular life. There is no prevention for her daily works. She can even have sexual intercourse with her partner. The operation is quick, the results are seen in a short time. Having this treatment provides women with self-confidence. Thus, they have a happier life.
How G-Shot Injection Is Prepared?
What Are G-Shot And G-Spot? Women are more sensitive than men in the genital sense. Therefore, this procedure should be done under the supervision of a specialist physician. The G-Shot procedure is performed by many inexperienced doctors and women lose their existing health. Just as a mistake made in facial aesthetics causes you to be ugly, a wrong application gives the same result.
The experiences required for these applications are the duration of education and working life. Although some physicians receive a good education, they do not have sufficient experience because they start a new job. The place of theoretical education in practice is different.
Applications in operations are not theoretical studies
These are methods that have been created and used as a result of the experience of the physician. At this point, the importance of physician experience is extremely important. Preparation of the solution to be used for injection is another matter that requires experience and skill. Since the vagina is a sensitive organ, the filling material to be used should be well analyzed and prepared. A wrong solution to be used can cause irreversible problems in a woman’s life. This filling fluid should not have body-damaging properties.
Since there is not a single filling material, the selection and quality of these materials determine the quality of injection. The injection needed for the necessary treatment is prepared under the supervision of the doctor.
This process is not a PRP process like the P-Shot process. The injection is given in the PRP process only provides regeneration in the cell. However, in the G-Shot process, filling injection takes place at the G point. The application aims to fill this area with filler and get a more beautiful and vivid image. Thus, women have better looking and voluminous G-spot. This allows them to live a more confident and happy life.
Who Can Not Have G-Shot?
It is commercial to say that G-Shot injection can be done to anyone. In scientific and medical terms, this process does not apply to everyone. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot have this procedure. Women who are allergic to the filling material to be injected cannot have this procedure. In cases where the immune system is not strong, this procedure is not recommended by the physician. Since needles are used during the procedure, those who have coagulation problems are among those who cannot have this procedure. What Are G-Shot And G-Spot?