
Best Hair Transplant The causes of hair loss are different. However, in 98% of cases, hair loss is due to genetic reasons, and this condition is more common in men. On the other hand, women may encounter hair loss during pregnancy and breastfeeding, which does not require treatment. After lactation, this problem disappears, and the hair can feel. In this case, women can take vitamins. By using the best hair transplant methods, they can fix all their problems in a matter of time.

How Many Hairs Should be Shed During a Day?

An average person has 120,000 hair follicles on his head. It is common to lose 100-150 hairs a day. Changing the environment, working indoors, stress is the cause of increased hair loss. But this is not baldness. It is sometimes said that eating causes baldness. However, this is not the right concept, and nutrition cannot create baldness. Although hair loss is common in both sexes, baldness is more common in men. Because hormones and genes play an essential role here. Women also sometimes develop male-type baldness. That is, more hair falls out on the front of the head.

Can Shampoo Prevent Hair Loss?

There is no shampoo against hair loss. The shampoo is simply a detergent. Because it contains chemicals, it cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin. However, some shampoos are in use as a medicine, and they are an exception.

Sometimes people mistake baldness for hair loss. As I said, stress can also cause hair loss. Baldness is 98 percent genetic. If the hair is oily and weak, the patient’s blood plasma should be injected into the hair base due to six sessions of treatment, the shedding and lubrication stop.

How is Hair Transplantation Performed?

Hair transplantation has been in use for about half a century. Although this method was first done in Korea, it has mostly grown with the Greeks. We have also received a modern form of development. There are two types of hair transplants: feet and FUE. The skin is cut from the neck and neck area using the foot method. The disadvantage of this process is that it leaves a scar on the removed part and creates an aesthetic problem. It is the most wide use FUE method in the world today. In this case, the hair roots are taken one by one and transplanted to another area.

The advantage of this method, which is applicable to both women and men, is that people return to daily life faster in the absence of scars. The application of this method is also painless, performed with local anesthesia. No medication is taken after the operation. Hair grows better in the planted area. The ways of application are relatively different in women and men. Because women do not cut their hair thoroughly, the FUE method is suitable. In this case, the graft transplants do not fall out, and they have assurance for 70 years.

Where do You Get Donor Hair for Hair Transplantation?

Although these hairs are mainly taken from the neck of the head, the donor area is different. When this area is not enough, hair can be taken from the chest, legs, back, and beard in men.

It should also go under note that only the patient’s hair is in use in hair transplantation. In women, donor hair can sometimes undergo replacement from under the armpits.

How Long will the Hair Transplant Process Take?

The process takes about 3-5 hours. Hair can be washed four days after transplantation. Women should be careful when washing their hair. Hair should not be dyed or dyed with henna for more than six weeks, and it should dry naturally. It is not plausible to use a hairdryer too much. You can cut your hair. Because at this time, the load on the hair is lower.

When does Transplanted Hair Start to Grow?

Hair falls out six weeks after planting and begins to grow again two months later. Fifty percent of transplanted hair grows within six months. The ideal time for full development is ten months. In bald people, sometimes the process is to repeat. Depending on the organism, the process of hair loss may postpone or accelerate. There is a patient who has half of the transplanted hair after five months.

In some cases, only 30 percent of the hair is lost during this period. But this does not impact the results. That is, all the transplanted hair grows and gradually achieves a positive outcome.

Who does not Apply Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation does not apply to hemophilia patients who have problems with blood clotting and those with baldness associated with the immune system. I should also note that people with baldness have hair follicles in most cases, and this problem requires treatment.

At What Age Can I Apply for a Hair Transplant?

You can apply for hair transplantation over 25 years old. The donor part is taken from the patient’s tissue and is thought to be one of the safest medical methods. There are none side effects of hair transplantation. It is applicable once and lasts a lifetime.

Tips on Hair Transplant

Wash your hair every day. Those with oily hair type should not apply oil to the scalp. Ladies should use hair resources as little as possible. Because the sources almost destroy the hair. One of the causes of baldness is stretching. This includes pulling hair as a source. Washing your hair with boiling water does not cause hair loss, but it is harmful. The hair should undergo a wash with water at a maximum temperature of 37-38 degrees.

Hair Transplantation by STRIP Method

If the thickness of hair in the donor part is not enough, then strips of skin in the size of 20-25×3 cm are taken from the scalp in the form of strips and transferred to the required part.

This type of transplantation is in use by local anesthesia. The removed part of the skin is sewn with decorative stitches. As a result, scar tissue develops in 2 parts of the skin.

Non-surgical HFE Method

HFE is an acronym for Hand Follicle Extraction. Currently, this method is widely in use. This operation starts with a needle without incision. This is a minimally, invasive, painless procedure performed in an outpatient setting. The process is done with high sensitivity and local anesthesia.

Two weeks after the operation, the hair begins to recover, and a year later, the patient can get his hair back to the desired shape. With this method of transplantation, it is possible to plant hair in the mustache and beard area.