Stages Of Balding Like most things that happen with aging, male pattern baldness does not just happen at night. Baldness is usually a slow process that takes anywhere from a few years to a few decades to fully manifest. It is clear that men do not want to be bald. Instead of sitting here and telling you to hug it, let’s see how you can notice the first stages of baldness and what you can do to stop it or at least slow it down.
One of the keys to stopping hair loss is to catch it early. The sooner you take steps to prevent hair loss, the more hair you will be able to store.
Here is the problem. Hair loss is not always easy to recognize. In fact, many of the common hair loss signs found on the Internet are unreliable and can lead to incorrect normal hair loss (which will increase again) for male pattern baldness.
Fortunately, there are some real stages of balding that you may notice. Here are some tips to keep in mind, as well as some steps you can take to slow it down.
Remarkable thinning of your hair
An important sign of baldness is something called diffuse thinning – a specific type of hair loss that affects the entire scalp or crown area (above your head). This leads to baldness starting at the back / above your hairline.
How do you know if your hair is thinning? Compare photos from different time periods. Like any transformation, you will not recognize the difference until you compare your photos from two different time points. If you notice that your hair looks thinner than a photo you took a few years ago, there is definitely a possibility that it is due to male pattern baldness.
But let’s be true, no one stands there and takes pictures from the back of their heads. You can probably not see either the crown or the scalp in any of your photos. If so, now is the time to start. Take a selfie (headlfie?) From the top of your head (or ask someone else) and compare it to another photo in a few months. If you see thinning, it may mean that you are bald.
Your hairline recedes
Another important stage of balding is the receding hairline. Over time, your hairline can be pushed more and more and, unlike a diluted crown, you will probably notice a receding hairline in your photos.
Baldness usually starts here. The flat line of your hair turns into a straighter V-shaped line, with baldness usually starting from the temples.
Again, as a thinner wreath, be sure to take pictures of yourself every few months in the same lighting conditions (different lighting can make your hair look more or less thick). Over the course of a few months or years, you should be able to see if your hairline has fallen out.
Your hair is falling out
Pay attention the next time you take a shower or brush your hair. Do you lose a lot of hair? Although it is perfectly normal to lose some hair after an intense shampooing session, you should not experience excessive hair loss.
Losing a lot of hair throughout your day can be a sign of male pattern baldness. But before you panic, you should know that hair loss can happen for many reasons – autoimmune conditions, sunburn, stress, malnutrition, fever – the list goes on.
But if you block them and you still lose a lot of hair every day, you need to start acting. It does not take long for some hairs to fall out or thin the crown
False alarms
The above points are pretty good indicators of baldness in men. But as we said before, there are some common recurring signs of baldness that may not always indicate that you will be bald. Here are some things to look for when selecting yours.
- Fine hair that appears after showering or swimming When it rains wet, your hair gathers and can be exposed more than your scalp. You may seem to be losing hair, but you may not be.
- Fine hair when using hair gel Like when it is wet, some hair products can curl your hair and make it look further away from your scalp. Try a clay or pudding for a fuller look minus the appearance of the scalp.
- Some hair on your pillow or clothes While excessive hair loss is a stage of balding, some hair is here and there is nothing to worry about. In fact, people lose hundreds of hairs a day, so this is perfectly normal.
- Bald relatives Although male pattern baldness runs in families, having some bald relatives does not necessarily mean that you will lose your hair. It may happen if you do not take care of it or it may not happen at all. Regardless, there is no need for stress for some bald family members.
- Itching or dry scalp Although itching or dry scalp may accompany hair loss, it is not necessarily a sign that it is happening. It can be caused by dandruff, psoriasis and many other conditions.
Know the stages of balding and how to stop hair loss
Now that you know some of the stages of baldness in men, see how you can stop it (or at least slow it down a bit). In general, there are many reasons why you may lose your hair. In addition to normal hair loss, male pattern baldness is the common culprit.
Fortunately, there are a few ways to stop or at least slow it down – be careful not to thin your hair, fall out or have excessive hair loss and take it easy if you see some of the “false alarms” listed above. If you notice that you are losing your hair, following some of the steps we have discussed in this article can help you control your male pattern baldness. Stages Of Balding