Is It Possible To Have Bigger Pennis By P-Shot In recent years, people have many surgical operations and have been creating changes in their bodies. The underlying reasons may be various. The main reasons include appearance anxiety and sexual problems. Sexual problems are the main situations for humans. Women desire a tightened vagina or planted hymen. Men desire to have a bigger or harder penis. The main purpose is to seem to be like sexual dissatisfaction.
P-Shot is a method applied to the penis to make it harder. Men look for the PRP injection method to solve their erection problems. PRP injection is the medical name of this application.
This method of treatment has been applied to many men so far. The number of satisfied men is very high. This causes other men to be interested in this treatment method.
The treatment method is not too complex to be understood. A fluid is obtained from men through a vein. This fluid contains secretions that nourish and repair cells. When nourishing and enlarging secretions are injected into the genital area, the problem of erection is theoretically solved.
The explanation above is the application procedures of P-Shot treatment. However, men wonder if they have a bigger penis by injection method. The answer to this question can be yes or no. Depending on the additional treatment method, men can have penis enlargement. It is popular that men have penis enlargement by PRP injection.
In adult men, the average penis length is 14 cm. The average penis width of men is 2-3 cm. If you have less than 9 cm penis during the erection, you can apply this treatment. If shockwave treatment is applied after an erection treatment, 2-3 cm enlargement in the penis might be achieved. You contact us for more about our erection treatments.
How To Understand That P-Shot Treatment Is Effective?
The primary purpose of P-Shot is to renew the veins. Another purpose is to increase the hardening and hardening time of the penis. These purposes should be in hand as procedures of treatments. In all surgery, you have to need to provide some procedures. When you choose a clinic to have sexual treatment, make sure that you are faced with an official clinic. If official health procedures are not provided by that clinic, do not attend to any applications.
If you have a treatment in a proper and official clinic or hospital, you need to face some recuperations. What are these recuperations on your genital area made you sure about the good quality of application?
The formation of new vessels on the penis means that the treatment is working. This vessel formation indicates that the platelet cells perform their necessary functions. This way your penis will be better nourished by the blood vessels, making it harder. Another symptom is the formation of new cells and tissues.
New cells are produced on the penis instead of deformed or dead old cells. In this way, a renewed penis will have a larger volume and hardness by having more blood cells. This increase in blood vessels creates a great acceleration in increasing blood circulation. This leads to success during erection. The most important point in erection is that enough blood goes to the head of the penis. If this is achieved, the erection problem is solved.
P-Shot treatment will be successful after weeks. If any health issue prevents your treatment please make sure that your doctor is informed. If you are injected though you have a health issue, it will be another patience for you. If you visit our clinic you will be informed about all details that you should know.
Is P-Shot Safe For All Men?
P-Shot is applied by taking your blood. After some process applied to your blood like a centrifuge method, additional necessary substances are added. This mix of liquid then is injected into your genital area. There is no harm to your body so far. All these processes are trained on animals first. Also, the treatment has been implemented for many years. No case recorded that any man had health problems after treatment.
The basics of the method suggest that the treatment is applied as a natural process. The liquid injected inside your body is your blood material. Besides all precautions are taken before the treatments. If all procedures are provided there is no risk for your penis or health.
Despite all this, in some cases, some dangerous situations can occur. If the doctor is not informed well about the past diseases of the patients, the injection may show some side effects. P-Shot may be helpful for your sexual life, however, you can lose your good state of health. For these cases, patients are thought to sign a paper that they claim they have no conditions preventing the treatment.
If the medicines you use include blood thinners, you should warn your doctor. The doctor will not allow you to have the operations despite this. It is another dangerous situation for your treatment. You should wait until your medicine usage period is done. After times you can apply to the clinic again.
In our clinic, we have trained and expert doctors that can help you with your erection problem. We have experience in this sector. If you contact us you will be informed about the last patient’s experiences with references. For more details about treatments and other issues please contact us. You will experience happiness after and before your proper treatment.
Who Does Apply P-Shot Treatment?
P-Shottreatments for erection problems are applied to men. This method of application is for men’s sexual therapy. It is all about men’s genital health. Urologists are the physicians who help men with their basic genital problems. If you have a problem inside your penis, such as the prostate, urologists are the only doctors who can help you. Thus, if you have an erection problem and want a hardening operation by injection, you have to go to a urologist. You will be told about your proper treatment from your doctor. If you want to learn about these applications more, please contact us.