Breast Reduction In Men (Gynecomastia) 85 % of gynecomastia cases do not result from another disease in the puberty period. Men are likely to experience this problem due to the use of other endocrine-hormonal drugs or drug use. Gynecomastia during the puberty period usually regresses spontaneously, however, some can be permanent. Larger breast tissue in man may lead to some psychological, social, and physical problems in this period such as humpback posture.
There may be two types of pathology in breast reduction operation in men. In the first type, the reason why the breast is enlarged may result from fat tissue in that area. In such cases, it is possible to solve the problem by turning to the liposuction method. While in the second type, this problem may depend on excess breast tissue. In such situations, excess breast tissue is surgically removed. The result gained from gynecomastia surgery is mostly permanent and repeated enlargement does not occur.
All in all, Breast Reduction Surgery in Men
Also known as gynecomastia, is performed to remove enlarged breast tissue by accessing from nipple end or removing fats with liposuction. The duration of the surgery may change between 1 to 2 hours. During the procedure, general or local anesthesia supported with sedation can be given to the patient. After the operation, most of the patients generally do not need to stay in the hospital but in rare cases, they may be asked to stay overnight.
Patients should use bandage and bra until the healing process is completed in suture areas. They may back to their daily life and work in about 2 weeks of time. Heavy exercises are usually not recommended until 6 weeks. And most of the scars will have faded by 3 to 6 months. As with any other surgery, breast reduction has its own risks. Gynecomastia is a critical operation in terms of its potential causes. Those potential risks may include clarification of scars, infection, skin damages, asymmetry of nipples, numbness on skin. Patients may also feel temporary purpleness, swelling, insensitivity on the skin, temporary dryness, and surgery scars.